Acupuncture & traditional
chinese medicine
Acupuncture is ancient Chinese medicine, it has been around for over 3,000 years. The human body has more than 2,000 acupuncture points connected by pathways or meridians, in which the Qi travels. Qi can be be loosely translated as the “vital energy”, life itself is a gathering of Qi.
Acupuncture helps aide in the free flow of Qi, breaking up what is stagnant, dispersing what has accumulated, getting the energy to move into the right direction.
what is acupuncture?
We are constantly stimulated by our daily lives, all our emotions have an effect on our Qi, and in turn our Qi has an effect on our emotions. This manifest’s on the physical level, with pain, allergies, re-occuring colds/ infections, all types of acute and chronic conditions.
There are many styles of acupuncture used today. One of the styles I practice at OLA Wellness is treating through the non-somatic extraordinary vessels (NSEV). NSEV is a holistic, modern adaptation of an ancient acupuncture healing systems that addresses a person’s symptoms and their essential life affirming functioning. These vessels are the primordial fields and pathways that allow optimum wellness and promote healthy relationships with ourselves and with the world.
I work with a broad spectrum of illness (physical and emotional) and alleviate pain and imbalance by harmonizing these vessels. I use a variety of techniques including acupuncture (with and without needles), moxibustion, cupping, gua sha, and herbal medicine.